Space 1999 Alpha Moonbase quilt

Lost in Space quilt

This is my “Lost in Space Quilt.” I designed it myself and painstakingly hand-quilted every stitch.

Stargate Universe Quilt

Stargate Universe Quilt

Stargate Universe quilt
Stargate Universe Quilt

Star Trek Orion Emerald Chain Syndicate Quilt

Star Trek Orion Emerald Chain Syndicate Quilt

Klingon Quilt

Battlestar Galactica Quilt – Saj

I finished making the Battlestar Galactica quilt. It turned out lovely. I am mailing to it’s new family on Tuesday. I hope they enjoy this quilt for many many years.

Battlestar Galactica Quilt
Battlestar Galactica Quilt

Battlestar Galactica Quilt
Battlestar Galactica Quilt
Battlestar Galactica Quilt
Battlestar Galactica Quilt
Battlestar Galactica Quilt

Star Trek Vulcan Tapestry quilt

Star Trek – Klingon Quilt

I finished another Star Trek Klingon quilt. I am sending this to a friend.

Star Trek Quilt – J.Morris

I finished another quilt today. I am pleased how it turned out. Mailing to it’s new owner tomorrow.

Star Trek Quilt – Interesting Times

I finished with another Star Trek Baby quilt. This one is going all the way to Canada. I love making these quilts. I love giving them as gifts. My stitches aren’t perfect but everyone is placed with love.

Interesting Times
Star Trek Quilt – Nathan Fehr
Interesting Times
Star Trek Quilt Interesting Times 2
Star Trek Quilt Interesting Times 2