Lost in Space quilt

This is my “Lost in Space Quilt.” I designed it myself and painstakingly hand-quilted every stitch.

Star Trek Baby quilt

I made this baby quilt for my coworker a few months back.

Star Trek Deep Space 9 Cardassian Quilt

I finished another quilt.

Stargate Universe Quilt

Stargate Universe Quilt

Stargate Universe quilt
Stargate Universe Quilt

The Orville New Horizons Moclan quilt 1

The Orville New Horizons Moclan quilt 2

Star Trek baby quilt – Amidon

Star Trek Baby quilt -Havlik

Star Trek Orion Emerald Chain Syndicate Quilt

Star Trek Orion Emerald Chain Syndicate Quilt

Star Trek Orion Emerald Chain Syndicate Quilt

I finished making the quilt top yesterday. I hope to start hand quilting in the next day or so.