Scrap block quilt

I made this quilt in 2023. The blocks are all scraps that didn’t make it into the original quilts. #quilts #scrapquilts.

Stephen’s Kids

Book 1 – Madie: Life in Bear Country

In 2004, I embarked on a creative journey by writing a fictional diary. Over the next couple of years, I wrote 342 blog post. This broke down into 3 books, although I never finished book 3. The blog was deleted in 2011. I’ve recently decided to resurrect it for your enjoyment. So without further ado, I present to you Book 1 “Madie Life in Bear Country“. Happy Reading.

Pink and Yellow Star Trek Baby quilts

My daughter @dausy created this water color of me quilting. This picture is one of my favorite possessions. I made the two baby quilts after she made the water color. The quilts were gifted to a friend with twins.

USS Callister quilt

USS Callister quilt top

This is the uSS callister quilt top.

Space 1999 Alpha Moonbase quilt

Lost in Space quilt

This is my “Lost in Space Quilt.” I designed it myself and painstakingly hand-quilted every stitch.

Neapolitan Quilt- Zoe

Star Trek Baby quilt

I made this baby quilt for my coworker a few months back.