Star Trek Quilt Paula

I have finished with another Star Trek Quilt. This one is for Great Aunt Paula.

Star Trek Quilt Paula 3
Star Trek Quilt Paula 3
Star Trek Quilt Paula 2
Star Trek Quilt Paula 2

Star Trek Quilt – Pink

I finished the baby quilt for my coworker.

Star Trek Quilt - Kate
Star Trek Quilt – Kate
Star Trek Quilt-  Kate
Star Trek Quilt- Kate

Star Trek quilt

I learned to quilt in the late 1980s early 1990s. This was one of my first tries at making a Star Trek Quilt. My sister Becky has this quilt at her house.

Star Trek Quilt- Marsha loftis 1990
Star Trek Quilt- Marsha loftis 1990

Star Trek Quilt – Thea

I have completed another Star Trek Quilt. I am mailing this one to my niece and grandnephew. I am going to mail it via fedex this morning. πŸ™‚ I love competing a project. I am starting a new quilt in the next few days.

Star Trek Quilt - Thea
Star Trek Quilt – Thea

Star Trek Quilt - Thea
Star Trek Quilt – Thea

Star Trek Quilt- Ronnie

The Star Trek quilt I have been working on for the last couple of months is finally finished. I washed and dried and it didn’t fall apart. LOL! I started working on my Klingon themed quilt yesterday.

Star Trek Quilt -  Ronnie
Star Trek Quilt – Ronnie

Star Trek / Star Wars Quilt

I have finished with my latest #StarTrek #Quilt. I will be giving this away in the next couple of days. This is the largest quilt I have made. I hope it brings warmth and comfort to whomever gets to take it home.

Star Trek / Star Wars Quilt
Star Trek / Star Wars Quilt
Star Trek / Star Wars Quilt
Star Trek / Star Wars Quilt
Star Trek / Star Wars Quilt
Star Trek / Star Wars Quilt

Star Trek Quilt Romulan Rachel

Star Trek Quilt Romulan Rachel
Star Trek Quilt Romulan Rachel
Star Trek Quilt Romulan
Star Trek Quilt Romulan
Star Trek Romulan Quilt - Rachel
Star Trek Romulan Quilt – Rachel

Star Trek – Baby Quilt

It’s done!!!! I’m so excited another #Startrek #quilt is finished. This quilt is going to a coworker who’s first baby is due in February.

Star Trek Quilt - Alan
Star Trek Quilt – Alan
Star Trek Quilt - Alan
Star Trek Quilt – Alan

Romulan Star Trek Quilt

I finally finished with the Romulan Star Trek quilt I was working on for my daughter’s birthday. It turned out really nicely. Enjoy!

Star Trek Romulan Quilt - Rachel
Star Trek Romulan Quilt – Rachel
Star Trek Romulan Quilt - Rachel
Star Trek Romulan Quilt – Rachel

Klingon Quilt

I have finished with my Star Trek Klingon quilt project. I gave this quilt to my son for his 24th birthday.

Star Trek Quilt - Klingon - Shane
Star Trek Quilt – Klingon – Shane
Star Trek Quilt - Klingon - Shane
Star Trek Quilt – Klingon – Shane