Star Trek Quilt – Zane B.

Star Trek quilt -Zane

Star Trek quilt – Home

Star Trek Chateau Picard wall quilt

I finished making my Star Trek Picard wall quilt. It turned out lovely.

Star Trek Chateau Picard Quilt

I am making excellent progress on my Chateau Picard Star Trek quilt. The applique is finished. I amm currently hand quilting. I probably have about 2 weeks of hand quilting left to accomplish. I plan to hang this in my game room on the wall behind the couch. Stay tuned for updates.

Chateau Picard Star Trek Quilt

Star Trek – Chateau Picard

Making progress on my Chateau Picard quilt wall hanging. My 8 year old granddaughter hannah helped me place the grapes and leaves. #StarTrek #quilt #madewithlove #chateaupicard #startrekpicard

Chateau Picard

Star Trek Quilt – The Borg

The Orville Quilt

The Orville Quilt 2
The Orville Quilt
The Orville Quilt 3
The Orville Quilt 4

Star Trek baby quilt -Forbes

Hannah – Slingshot

This is my granddaughter practicing with my slingshot. She hits the target twice after the 30 second mark in the video.