My granddaughter received her Star Trek Quilt yesterday. I think she likes it. Star Trek Quilt Hannah 3Star Trek Quilt Hannah 5Star Trek Quilt Hannah 2
I began to learn to quilt while living in Misawa, Japan in the early 1990s. This quilt was my first. It’s getting old and is in need of repair. I’m going to have it put in a shadow box so I can display it in my living room.
I have finished with the Star Trek baby quilt for my coworker. Washed, dried and ready for new owner on Monday. Star Trek Quilt Hamby 3Star trek quilt – Stephanie HStar trek Quilt -Stephanie H
I finished with another Star Trek Baby quilt. This one is going all the way to Canada. I love making these quilts. I love giving them as gifts. My stitches aren’t perfect but everyone is placed with love.
Star Trek Quilt – Nathan FehrInteresting TimesStar Trek Quilt Interesting Times 2
I finished with the Star Trek Quilt I was making for my daughter Stephanie. star trek quilt for stephanie 6star trek quilt for stephanie 5star trek quilt for stephanie 4