Star Trek Quilt – The Borg

The Orville Quilt

The Orville Quilt 2
The Orville Quilt
The Orville Quilt 3
The Orville Quilt 4

Star Trek baby quilt -Forbes

Hannah – Slingshot

This is my granddaughter practicing with my slingshot. She hits the target twice after the 30 second mark in the video.

Baby quilt – wip


Baby quilt – wip

Star Trek Quilt – Strumpf

I finished the quilt, I am giving to my coworker as a wedding gift. It turned out nicely.

Star Trek Baby Blanket – Verna

I have finished another Star Trek baby blanket. This blanket will go to my Aunt Verna for her great grand-baby due in August.

Star Trek quilt – R. Page

This is a quilt I made for my coworkers baby girl.

Star Trek Quilt – Purple

I have started a new Star Trek baby quilt .