Character Development Sketches 25-28

Character Development Sketches 25 -28

The Young Girl
Tired of walking, mentally exhausted, her feet stumble upon tiny stones. She glanced behind as the young man tugged her forward. “We can’t stop!” he said.
A few days ago, freedom felt possible. Today a life worth living felt beyond her reach.
She put the young man in danger. Guilt grew with every step.
The retriever followed. She would die before the end of the day.
A dream of love and joy unfulfilled.

The Spotter
On a rooftop high above the city street, he sits for hours.
Portraits of runners taped inside a notebook rest on the ledge.
With binoculars and a watchful eye, he searches the street below.
He failed at many things.
As a spotter he succeeds.
Retrievers reward his efforts with cash.
Runners are responsible for their own deaths.
His conscience is clear.

The Saboteur 6
The Saboteur 6 fights injustice.
They hide their identities behind masks.
Skilled in the art of sabotage, they protect runners from retrievers.
Some call them heroes.
The government calls them criminals.

He says his name is Freeman.
A loud boisterous radio entity, he gives voice to the commodities.
From the airwaves, he shares his message.
He demands government reform.
Hidden in an abandoned warehouse, he hides from the authorities.
An unstoppable thorn, he attacks the government and corporate leaders.
The price on his head is high.