Chapter 18: The Commodity Tales – A new mission, saving Sarah

Stellar sat in the worn-out recliner, the soft hum of the radio filling the room. Freeman’s voice, loud and defiant, resonated through the airwaves, a source of inspiration for those who fought against the child commodity program. His words were a reminder that there was still hope, even in the darkest of times.

As she listened intently, Jace entered the room, a sense of urgency in his eyes. He had information about a new rescue mission, a 16-year-old girl named Sarah who was in desperate need of their help. She had been at the diner with her boyfriend, John, who had recently turned 18 and was now free from the clutches of the child commodity program.

Stellar nodded as she listened to the details of the situation. Sarah’s escape had been a stroke of luck, but they couldn’t afford to waste any time. The Commodity Trade Center was hosting an event, making it difficult for the retrievers to track individual children with all the tracking devices blaring. It was the perfect opportunity to rescue Sarah.

A sense of determination filled Stellar as she considered the task at hand. She despised the churches that often played a role in the child commodity program, and she knew exactly which one Jace was referring to.

“Okay,” Stellar replied firmly. “Get the group together for a meeting in half an hour. We’ll discuss a plan of action.”

Jace nodded and quickly left the room, his steps filled with purpose. Stellar knew that their team was a force to be reckoned with, and together, they would do whatever it took to rescue Sarah and countless others like her.

As she waited for the meeting to begin, Stellar couldn’t help but think of the children they had saved and the ones they had yet to rescue. Freeman’s voice continued to fill the room, a reminder that their fight was far from over. But with unwavering determination and a shared mission, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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