Chapter 3- the Commodity Tales – Stellar Harbor a conversation with Jace

The dimly lit underground chamber served as their sanctuary, a hidden haven for those who dared to challenge the oppressive system. The soft glow of candlelight danced across the faces of Stellar’s fellow child advocates, their expressions a mix of determination and weariness. They had gathered here to strategize, to plan their next move in the unending battle to rescue the commodity children from the clutches of the Retrievers.

Stellar sat at the head of the rough-hewn wooden table, her fingers tracing the deep grooves etched into its surface, a testament to the countless meetings they’d held in secrecy. Around her, the members of the Child Liberation Front gathered, their faces partially concealed by the shadows cast by the flickering candles.

Jace, his eyes alight with a fiery resolve that mirrored Stellar’s own, sat opposite her. His youthful exuberance was both a blessing and a curse. He had been with them for just over a year, but his heart burned with a fervor she could not help but admire. However, that same zeal had nearly cost them dearly during the last rescue operation.
“Jace,” Stellar began, her voice low but filled with the weight of disappointment and concern. “You were too close to being caught today. We can’t afford to make mistakes like that.”

His jaw tightened, and he met her gaze with defiance, but there was a glint of remorse in his eyes. “Stellar, we can’t just stand by and watch those kids suffer. We have to take risks to save them.”

Stellar nodded, acknowledging his point, but the situation was far more complex than he realized. “I understand your frustration, Jace. But we can’t save anyone if we’re all taken into custody. We need to be calculated, precise.”

The murmurs of agreement from the others underscored her words. They were dealing with an enemy far more formidable and relentless than any of them had initially anticipated.

Agnie, the group’s intelligence expert, leaned forward, her sharp eyes scanning the faces of their team. “We’ve been gathering information, but we need to exploit any openings they give us, not rush headlong into danger.”
Jace looked down, chastened, his fingers tracing the scars on his hands, reminders of his own traumatic past within the child commodity system. “I… I just can’t stand the thought of another child suffering like I did.”

Stellar’s heart ached for him, for all of them, scarred by their own experiences. But she couldn’t allow their emotions to cloud their judgment. “None of us can, Jace. That’s why we’re here. But we must be smart, strategic. Lives depend on it.”

As they continued to discuss their plans and tactics, the urgency of their mission weighed heavily on them. They were the voiceless champions of the innocent, the whispered rebellion against a world that saw children as commodities. And in the face of such a relentless adversary, they had no choice but to be patient, calculated, and unwavering in their resolve. The lives of countless children depended on it.

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